Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Go Utes!!

Saturday we went to the big utah-byu game!! (Jeff is a bit obsessed...now all he is talking about is bowl games.) Jeff's family bought tickets and joined us. Sadly we weren't sitting by them...and I forgot my camera but luckily Lezli brought hers.

1 comment:

Megan said...

That was a sad day at our house. We were the only people in Utah out searching for BYU shirts for our boys AFTER the game. I was supposed to get them before, but forgot and they still wanted them. Kyle and I found your blog last night and were excited to see your cute family. We have been looking for your address for Christmas cards, so if you get a minute email it to meganwight@yahoo.com. Also, our blog is kyleandmeganwight.blogspot.com. It's good to catch up a little bit with you guys.

Megan Wight